Editorial Standards

Personal details

Please send your personal details in the body of the e-mail or in a separate document from the article. Please include the name of the author(s) of the article, academic qualifications, institutional affiliation (if any), occupation and personal e-mail address. If you have ORCID ID or Ciência Vitae id, you can provide it.

Technical aspects

Margins: 2.5 cm.

Font: Times New Roman.

Font size: Título do Artigo: Letra14, Negrito. Headings and subheadings: Letra 12, Negrito. Body text: letra 12.

Line spacing: 1.5.

Text alignment: Texto justificado.

The first page should contain:

Title in Portuguese; Abstract in Portuguese; Key words in Portuguese; Abstract in English; Key words in English.

The title of the article at the top of the page, centre-aligned, in Times New Roman font, size 14, in Portuguese.

Abstract: maximum 500 characters, including spaces.

Keywords: maximum of 5.

Abstract: maximum 500 characters, including spaces.

Keywords: maximum 5, in English.

Articles may not exceed 8,000 words.

APA standard

All authors are requested to use the APA Standard (7th Edition).

Citations in the body of the text:

Author-date citation in the body of the text in brackets: (Surname, year, page).

Ex: However, “the processes are becoming more and more sedimented” (Mateus, 2007, p. 52).

According to Mateus (2007), “the processes are becoming more and more sedimented” (p.52).

Direct quotations of more than three lines: separate and isolate the quotation from the text, and place it in font size 10, left margin 6 cm; remaining margins 2.5 cm, without inverted commas and with author-date citation.

Final Bibliography



Maarc, Degryse (2017). Handbook of Economics. Current Publisher.

Wild, Charles (2022). Living with Animals. Morumbi Publishing House

Magazine article

Wild, Charles (2005). The Teaching and Learning Method of a School of the Future in Seoul. Education Magazine, 2 (1), 3-9.

Newspapers and Magazines

Lopes, Miguel (1999, 15 September). Climate Change. O País newspaper, pp. 23-27.

Decree Law

Decree-Law no. 240/2001 (2001). (2001). Approves the Statute of the Ministry of Education. Official Gazette I Series. Nº201 (01-08-30), 5572- 5575. https://dre.pt/dre/detalhe/decreto-lei/240-2001-631837.

Video – Youtube

User’s name on the network (day, month, year). Title of the video [Video] [Vídeo]. Site where it is hosted. URL.

If you have any questions, please contact us by e-mail: info@jmedicalsciences.tl.

The Editors,

Gregório Rangel and

Filipe Abraão Martins do Couto